Monday, December 20, 2010

Crissy: Crane #1

Here is the crane and box I made for Crissy, as well as a little prayer:

When you live as a light,
Your heart is joined in the Infinite Light of Love.
And that about you which is eternal … remains
-your light remains - rev. jacquie riker - 2003

Hah my pictures are always complimented by the eternal comforter. ^^; Yay webcam.

This is a special update for Crissy, because she is fighting to stay out of the hospital right now.  If everyone who reads this could keep her in their thoughts, and/or pray that she is at home for the holiday season, that would be wonderful.

Crissy likes tea, Gackt, and other such awesome things.  She's a positive person with a strong faith in God.  She also  has M.E., Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, a neurological disease, and Lyme and co-infections.  M.E. is a disease distinct from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  Since M.E. is a relatively rare, quite serious disease that is often confused with CFS, I think something everyone could do would be to read more about it.  This disease really needs some awareness!

You can read about M.E. here:

It's a real miracle that Crissy and I met and became friends.  Without Crissy and another good friend who introduced me to her, I have no idea where I would be right now.  I might still be in that horrible Lymie phase of "They say I'm crazy but the left side of my face is drooping and I can't walk and I'm coughing up my insides!  Why is this happening? D:"  I also don't think I'd have developed such a positive outlook on my illness.  So, thank you, dear.  I'm praying for you!


  1. Well, it looks like I'll be home for Christmas~ :D

    Tea, Gackt, and awesome things. YUP. Sounds like me! ♥

    Thank YOU for all the little sweet things you do for people. You're such a dear and I'm very blessed to have met you.

  2. :D Good! I'm so glad.

    <3 I'm glad. I was like...I hope this is good!

    Aw. Thank you. That means so much to me, really. I'm blessed to have met you too.
